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Enhancing Lives, Building Futures

The Presidential Employment Programme (PEP) is a National Treasury initiative implemented by Pedi and managed by the PMU, in collaboration with the City of Cape Town. The programme's primary objective is to provide short-term employment opportunities in communities with high unemployment rates.

To date, more than 1,500 Philippi residents have benefited by working as safety patrols and escorts, cleaning streets and collecting waste, painting murals and beautifying public spaces, and conducting surveys to gather insights for transforming Philippi.

Additionally, we aim to equip participants with practical and life skills to enhance their prospects for sustainable livelihoods. Training courses have included specialized job training, a development program for personal and professional growth, and a work readiness course to help participants gain insight and confidence in job searching.

The Philippi PEP was recently extended, with our fourth intake of 134 participants beginning on 2 July 2024. As shown below, these participants are evenly distributed across the five Wards, range in age from 18 to 59 years, and are predominantly women. They come from diverse educational backgrounds and are currently employed across three work streams---Safety, Cleaning, and Information---as well as in management and community liaison roles.

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Safety Escorts & Patrols

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Waste Collection & Recycling

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Surveys & Information

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Waste Collection: January to June 2024 (Q1-Q2)

PEP Waste Q1-Q2 2024.png

Safety Escorts Deployed: January to June 2024 (Q1-Q2)

PEP Escorts Q1-Q2 2024.png

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